Which Landscapers Should You Entrust With Your Lawn Care in Lehigh County, PA?

Which Landscapers Should You Entrust With Your Lawn Care in Lehigh County PA?

Summer is upon us, and along with summer comes the anticipation of enjoying your yard, whether it’s a lazy afternoon or an evening cookout with family and friends. There’s nothing quite like enjoying a lush, green lawn on a summer day. Which landscapers should you entrust with your lawn care in Lehigh County, PA? Here are a few things to check on when hiring a lawn care service that will work for you!

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Did You Get a Consultation?

A dependable lawn care service will take the time to visit your home to discuss what your lawn needs and what your lawn care preferences are. When they arrive at your house, are they dressed in a way that exudes professionalism? Do they act and speak knowledgeably and respectfully? You can expect them to assess any problems like weeds, pests, disease, or areas of your property that need special care. After consulting you, the service should design a custom plan in order to ensure superlative lawn care throughout the growing season. In addition to showing you their lawn care plans, the company should be able to show their proof of liability insurance for working on your property. If they don’t have insurance, find a company that does!

Do They Offer All of the Services You Need?

If the lawn care company only offers basic mowing and cleanup services, they likely don’t have all of the tools or knowledge necessary to give your lawn what it needs to be healthy and thriving. A comprehensive lawn care service will be able to provide soil analysis, aeration and dethatching, fertilizing, weeding, and pest control. These extra steps will help your lawn to be as healthy as it can be.

Do They Mow to the Correct Height?

A lawn care company should know that mowing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor! A lawn that’s primarily in the shade will benefit from slightly lower mowing, to prevent too much moisture retention in the soil. A lawn that’s primarily in the sun needs to be mowed higher to help shade the roots and retain moisture. While a close-cropped lawn may look nice at the time that it’s mowed, the effects can be obvious and devastating as time passes.

Do They Use Products That Are Aligned With Your Values?

More and more homeowners are opting to use natural and organic lawn care products. If the homeowner prefers to use natural products that are safer for pets, people, surrounding plants and the environment, the lawn care company should offer those alternatives to the harsh chemicals that are typically used. The company should also communicate regularly with the homeowner about what products they are applying to the lawn, post notices on the lawn when necessary, and notify you before changing the products they use.

Do They Take the Time to Educate You?

Lawn care professionals should educate their customers so that the customer and the lawn care company can work together for the health of their lawn. For example, if a homeowner is over- or under-watering, there’s only so much a lawn care service can do. Lines of communication need to stay open so that the lawn care provider can do their job to the best of their ability, and so the homeowner understands what their lawn needs and can get the most from their lawn care contract.

A truly comprehensive lawn care service will have the experience and knowledge necessary to address your lawn's unique and essential needs. They will work to understand each home’s unique situation and challenges, address them consistently throughout the year, and communicate regularly with the homeowners. 

Related: Improve Your Curb Appeal With Proper Lawn Care in Lehigh County, PA

About the Author

Nature’s Accent’s team has become one of the leading landscape service companies in the Berks and Schuylkill County region. Specializing in the creative design of both residential and commercial landscapes, the company has provided extensive hardscape installations, a sizable range of maintenance services, and a creative array of fire, lighting, and water elements to round out countless outdoor projects in the region.