Relax and Unwind in Tranquility With These 4 Design Ideas for Pool Landscapes in Wyomissing and Reiffton, PA

Being the owner of a backyard pool can lead to some truly fantastic experiences. Pools are the center of summer fun, but they can also be your key to relaxation. As you plan out your backyard pool, be sure to consider how it will fit into the general design of your home and landscape as well as what kind of amenities you’re dreaming about. Relax and unwind in tranquility with these four design ideas for pool landscapes in Wyomissing and Reiffton, PA.

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A Beach-Themed Pool Patio

If visions of sandy beaches make you feel happy and peaceful, you can recreate the look in your backyard using the right patio pavers. Sandstone-inspired pavers will be your best bet for a beachy look whether you prefer textured or smooth pavers. For the most expansive feel, choose large format pavers to minimize joint lines. If your pool hasn’t been built yet, consider a pool with a Baja shelf which is a gradual beach-like descent into the water (great for easy entry into the water, as well as acting as a shallow area for the youngest of swimmers to play safely). Surround your patio with lush, colorful plant life and be sure to include a gas-fired fire pit for a romantic bonfire-by-the-beach experience in your own backyard.

A Mediterranean-Themed Pool with an Elegant Pergola

At some point, relaxing in the pool has reached its limit and it’s time to bask in the sunlight. However, you may not want to always worry about baking in the direct sun. A pergola built on your pool deck will allow you to cool off in the shade. To create a Mediterranean look, plan on either grape vines, hops, or other climbing vines to latch themselves on the pergola, providing a beautiful and verdant component to backyard living. And, choose light-colored pavers reminiscent of the limestone that is so commonly used in Mediterranean design.

A Zen Spa-Like Setting

To recreate the zen-like serenity of a Japanese spa, use light-grey pavers, a simple and minimalist design, and monochromatic plants. The objective is to minimize visual clutter and promote serenity. Adding a water feature that is either separate from the pool or spills into it, will add a soothing yet dynamic element to the space even if nobody is currently using the pool. Surround the pool with a living privacy wall (such as cedars); or, let the expanse of a manicured lawn create an expansive, free feeling. If your property is on a slope, this is the ideal opportunity to add an infinity pool overlooking the view.

A Mountain Hot Springs

Recreate the majesty of mountain hot springs by incorporating boulders and one or more naturalistic waterfalls into your backyard design. Natural materials (or materials inspired by nature), liberal use of masonry, and a deliberately unstructured design will contribute to the feeling of this rustic getaway. No feature will help you and your loved ones relax throughout the seasons than a hot tub. The soothing warm water is enjoyable in the summer nights and the winter weekend mornings alike. Build your hot tub so it sits elevated a few feet above your pool but keep the two water features separate for greater energy savings in cold weather when you’re not using the pool.

Fall is the ideal time to plan your backyard retreat, so you can get on the construction schedule in early spring and not miss a single day of gorgeous pool weather next year.

About the Author

Nature’s Accent’s team has become one of the leading landscape service companies in the Berks and Schuylkill County region. Specializing in the creative design of both residential and commercial landscapes, the company has provided extensive hardscape installations, a sizable range of maintenance services, and a creative array of fire, lighting, and water elements to round out countless outdoor projects in the region.